Thursday, May 18, 2006

The Mendacious State

Continuing yesterday’s Machiavellian subpoena . . .

The author of The Prince has been criticized on many fronts – primarily by those who have not understood him – but one critique stands Everest-like: the one recognizing Machiavelli as the man responsible for the creation of the modern state. In his foundational book, The Myth of the State, Ernst Cassirer extends Machiavelli’s logic to its ultimate conclusion, and discovers the state as an institution with a life of its own, wholly separate from the nation and its people. The prince was always recognized as a flesh and blood person, whose legitimate function was to assure the survival, not only of the nation, but of himself as well. To achieve those ends, the successful prince “ought to know how to resemble a beast as well as a man.” [The Prince, chapter 12] But Cassirer saw that in the modern world, where nations had come to be ruled ostensibly by democratic principles, the heirs of the prince, charged with the same responsibilities, were expected – at least by the naïve masses – to behave all the time as civilized humans, and never as beasts. In order to be successful on both counts (i.e., to himself and to the nation) the modern "prince" -- the state -- is forced to disguise himself as a good guy. If to protect the nation the “prince” sometimes behaves as a beast, he faces the doubly difficult task of continuing to appear to the people as a moral human.

This task is relatively easier when the nation is involved in an openly declared war. Time-honored custom has acclimated human beings of all nations to the necessity to behave like a beast when the nation’s life is at stake. But when minor skirmishes “along the border” or “in the ghettos” fall short of an all out life-threatening situation, the state finds itself hard-pressed to act as it must while seeming to remain human. To counter this difficulty, the tactics employed to enforce the rule of law have been elevated to the same level of violence as those employed in time of war. Predictably, this promotion leads to unintended incidents such as those that occurred in Waco and Ruby Ridge, and in Philadelphia where the “law” burned to the ground an entire city block in order to “smoke out” a minor malefactor in one apartment. But so long as these events are recognized as “incidents,” and not business as usual, the state is generally held accountable for its actions.

We can thus understand the “war on drugs,” the “war against terrorism,” and perhaps even the “war against ‘godless’ communism.” All words possess emotional counterparts, and “war” is a more powerful emotional stimulant than mere ”law enforcement.” If the perceived needs of the state, as they appear in the minds of those warm-blooded humans who are in charge, dictate bestial behavior in what is actually only a “border dispute,” they call it war and proceed as if the nation’s life were at stake. Machiavelli – no mean observer of human nature – saw that princes, being human, were as likely to act for personal reasons as for the good of the nation. “For when men are no longer obliged to fight from necessity, they fight from ambition, which passion is so powerful in the hearts of men that it never leaves them.” [Discourses on Titus Livius, Book I, chapter 37.] We should not expect the leaders of modern democracies to have changed so remarkably that they should behave differently than did the princes of Machiavelli’s time. We go to “war” when the politics of the moment require it.

We should thus, as I said yesterday, not judge our leaders by their lies (or by their bestial behavior), but rather by our assessment of whether they have acted in accord with the genuine needs of the nation. Only The Shadow knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men, or what goodness. We can only judge of men's actions by the observable effects they produce as the causes of the state’s behavior. Sometimes that relationship is difficult to see. We are fortunate that in the current situation, the leaders of the American state have caused so much true destruction, against all reasonable judgments, that we know the course we are to take. Now, we need only the will to take it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our law will require us to wait two more years before the current occupant is voted out of office. Any other course of action will destroy our democracy.
The actions our leadership has taken on behalf of our nation have not worked perfectly but they have been necessary- the time to have acted with force was twenty years ago when our embassy was over-run in Iran- nerver-the-less, it is bettre late than never.

Thu May 18, 01:45:00 PM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's NO WAY that bin Laden or Iraq or anything else would destroy our country, but these are things that WILL destroy our country:Here's a partial list;* MAKING HEALTH CARE UNAFFORDABLE...especially with the rising numbers and percent of people who have no health insurance. For the rest of us,health care just keeps getting more and more expensive, we get less andless while we spend more and more. What good is it having the besthealth care system in the world if the American people can not afford it? * HAVING POLICIES THAT ENCOURAGE JOBS TO BE SIPHONED OFF OVERSEAS...especially with the way the tax code is designed now, especially those who ship our jobs overseas are given tax breaks, but those who keep jobs here are penalized. As millions of Americans lose their jobs, tax revenues go down, thus creating bigger deficits. * HAVING BIGGER & BIGGER DEFICITS...especially with the "tax-cut & spend" Republicans, as opposed to the "tax & spend" Democrats. Which policy do you think makes more sense? At least us Democrats are honest enough & know how to balance the budget. What everyone should know, this gargantuan and growing debt that we have will very quickly destroy
our entire economy.

WORLD...especially now that we need to work with all the different
countries in the world to help us fight the scourge of terrorism. This is the absolute worst time in history to have a unilateralist President who does not care what anyone thinks of our country.

* LYING...especially when these lies lead to the deaths of hundreds of
Americans and many thousands upon thousands of other people thru out the world. When we catch our government lying to us, even once, over an issue that is important to us, then everything they say and do from that point onwards should be suspect.

Thu May 18, 05:15:00 PM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

bin Laden, Iran, Iraq and thier agents will destroy this vountry if we give them the chance. They will rob us of our security, they will steal our ability to move freely and then they will break our will unless we meet them head on in this conflict that THEY started nearly two decades ago. If they win the other problems you mention will be irrelevant. If they get one dirty bomb into this country you won't be worried about any of the things you stated, if war breaks out on our soil you will be fighting for your life and Maslow's theory will kick in and you will be crying WHY DIDN:T OUR GOVERNMENT DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS!

But let's look at your separate items one by one and see were we agree:
Health Care should be available and affordable to all people- AGREED. I think Universal health care is a worthy goal. The law should be written in a way that big businesses be financially penalized if they don't offer thier employees a benefits package.It should encourage private insurance plans and discourage companies that currently provide plans from dumping them and forcing the government to pick up the tab.
Those who don't have benefits should automatically be covered through a government fund until such a time that they obtain some form of group coverage.
Insurance companies, hospitals and other health care providers should be held accountable for thier actions and practices.

Out Sourcing of Jobs, AGREED- the tax code should be rewritten in such a way that it discourages, rather than encourages the out sourcing of jobs.Companies that send jobs that were previously held by Americans out of the country should not be rewarded for this practice. * Remember though this will also have a global impact.
We should also note that unemployment has been at record lows for the last 4 years.

Isolating ourselves:Face it nobody really cares what happnes to us as long as we send the checks. We don't really have any friends in the world and that dates back long before Mr. Bush took office- what we need to do is to become more self sufficent and less dependent on other countries. No one will help us unless it somehow benefits them.

Lying: Bush didn't lie- the whole world thought Houssien had WMD's, he may have had them and somehow gotten them out of the country, or he may still have them hidden in Iraq, or he may never had had them. At any rate, Mr. Houssien did every thing he could to make the entire world believe that he had WMD's.

Let's call a cease fire in the civil cold war are country is engaged in; at least until we secure our boarders and defeat those who would destroy our nation by force.

PS- no time to edit tonight- sorry for typos.

Thu May 18, 07:32:00 PM 2006  
Blogger Benedict S. said...

CE: It would be convenient for the administration to confuse the affair in Tehran with 9/11 and Osama bin Laden, but not even they have gone so far. The idea that bin Laden, or any other leader of a band of brigands, could destroy our country is a lie foisted upon the people in order to justify "war." Actually, the action against bin Laden in Afghanistan -- which I applaud, though it has not gone to completion -- has successfully disrupted al Queda's lines of communication. Today, we're facing a metasticized array of many different terrorist bands, many of which (but not all) call themselves (for strategic reasons) "al Queda." If the current occupant had followed through in Afghanistan, into Pakistan if necessary, and bearded the beast where he stood, intead of dividing his forces between two fronts (one absolutely innocent of the 9/11 crime), we might still find ourselves enmired in a prolonged engagement, but it wiould be the right engagement, one aimed precisely at enforcing the law. Instead, we are now a lawless band ourselves, properly recognized as such by most of the people of the world (but unfortunately, not by 31% of Americans).

Yes, wake up.

Voltaire defined a tyrant as a man who, by his own will, robs the people of their property and then enrolls the same people into an army to go steal the property of others. Our man in the White House fits the bill.

Fri May 19, 06:17:00 AM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I disagree!

Fri May 19, 01:04:00 PM 2006  
Blogger Benedict S. said...

Boy, I sure am glad you get no more votes than I do. Have a nice evening.

Fri May 19, 01:10:00 PM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, wake up. Not only is Bush ignoring military deaths,
he wants us to ignore them as well.

It is so annoying to hear this guy speak, and EVERY time he speaks he
says nothing but lies upon lies upon lies, and he does this every single

What does it say about a President who disrespects us so much that he
lies to us every single day as he has been doing ever since he became

And what does it say about the Republicans who (s)elected this creep?

This guy of theirs has told lies upon lies that have
killed thousands upon thousands of people, and his lies have killed
hundreds of Americans, and Americans still continue to die every day
because of his lies of WMD's in Iraq. There are no WMD's in Iraq.
He keeps lying to us every single day, and Americans keep getting killed every day because of his lies.

reads an old anti-war flier kept as a memento in the office of
Democratic Presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich. 30 years ago, he
passed out these leaflets to protest the Vietnam war.

Fri May 19, 04:18:00 PM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For benedict s...I agree with you compelety.

Fri May 19, 09:09:00 PM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mobil lady,me two.

Sat May 20, 01:19:00 PM 2006  

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