Thursday, October 16, 2008

Who is Barack Obama

Obviously, Barack Obama is a giraffe, or at the very least, pals around with giraffes.

I have pictures to prove it. See, here, this one . . . isn't that him standing there actually feeding a giraffe . . . and this one, lifting his youngest daughter up so she can pet not one but two giraffes!!

You say the pictures don't prove Obama's a giraffe? You say he doesn't look like a giraffe? That he makes speeches and giraffes never make sounds of any sort?

Your problem, my friend, is that you don't want to believe your eyes. You're deluded by Obama's obvious attempts to hide his true nature with eloquence and charm.

Answer me this . . . have you ever heard him deny that he's a giraffe? No, you haven't . . . and you never will. Why? Because he is a giraffe. And that settles the issue. Until I hear him deny that he's a giraffe I'll stick with what these pictures tell me. Seeing is believing.


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