Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Indirection as "Mendacity"

A commenter -- or better, "commenteress" -- has suggested that I write about the Blacksox scandal of 1919 and do so without mendacity. I have no intention of adding my uninformed three-bits worth to the tons that have been written about "Shoeless" Joe's innocence -- except to say, I believe in it. I intend instead to explain the commenteress's cryptic two words, "without mendacity."

First, I have to confess that I received an email from her, adding an authoritative punch to her lack of respect for Joe Lieberman. I replied that I had neither much knowledge nor any concern for Senator Lieberman, but had rather used his plight as a way to set forth my own pet theory about why we are in Iraq without being accused of being anti-semitic. I had already warned another commenter -- before writing the piece -- that he should be on the lookout for its "indirection." By attributing my position to Joe Lieberman, and then excusing him for taking that position, I mendaciously managed to make it seem OK to believe that George Bush had sent Americans to die in Iraq -- and sentenced tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis to death -- simply to provide a backdoor defense for Israel. Had I taken that position more directly ... well, you see ... no one would be likely to accuse Joe Lieberman of anti-semitism.

To add another layer to that mendacious use of Senator Lieberman's difficulties, I now must confess that the theory I put into his head does not rank very highly in my full list of "reasons" (to use the word loosely) we are in Iraq. I say this even though the main architect of the neocon strategy, Paul Wolfowitz, is also Jewish. One can be a Jew and still be a damn fool. My top reason -- taken on the basis of powerful circumstantial evidence -- involves oil. I have said it here before, that even if in Iraq we had only succeeded in muddling up the politics in the middle east, the oil maggots would reap untold rewards of the money sort. Sending the Marines to Iraq would thus be a win-win strategy for big oil, since even if the weaponry of the US armed forces had succeeded, the new "democratic" government in Baghdad would be more or less obliged to create an economic (oil) system favoring western interests (rather than, say, China's).

With such a strong fit of the "data" to one theory, my others -- including the program for world domination proposed by Wolfowitz and his neocon accomplices associated with the "Project for the New American Century" -- gradually faded. Oil's the game and is quite likely to remain the game into the next two decades (unless a Democratic regime takes over in Washington less sold-out than its predecessors to the same big oil interests that own the current US government -- all three branches).

So, now with a full confession of my mendacity in the open -- at no one's expense (Lieberman has never heard of me) -- and the truth of the matter laid out for all my campaign workers to see, I can proceed with a relatively clean conscience to frame my agenda for my own version of "the new American century." And of that unfolding program I promise you will read more in the coming months.


Lets all put all four of our feet to the treadmill and work for a better, safer world, where mice and men can dwell together in peace ... and cats and dogs "will fight no more forever." (Hmmm. Another "Joe" heard from.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congressional authorization was given.These games have to be played.
With the American people thirsting for revenge after 9/11, Democrats had no choice but to go along if they wanted to survive as a party.

Yes, Bush, Perle, Wolfowitz and Cheney were involved in a *massive*
deception of the US and the world (with good intentions of course).

The big deception is that the US attacked Iraq as part of the new neocon strategy of "US Global Leadership" and "UN irrelevance" and not because of WMD, Saddam's sadism or to altruistically liberate the Iraqi people.

This neocon strategy is mainly the work of Jewish brains.

The Jewish Lobby has the US under control and can ensure that Israel can do what it pleases, whereas Europe and other nations of the UN, looking for a more just solution to Israeli-Lebanon situation, have been a thorn in their sides.

Hence, cutting the UN off as irrelevant and staking out US global leadership is a brilliant Jewish strategy for the good of Israel.

Eight percent of American Jews are liberal and vote Democrat.But many of them are deserting the Democrat party as Bush and his right-wing Christians are doing a great job for Israel and the Jews.

We still tiptoe around putting a name to this phenomenon. We write
articles about the neo-conservatives' agenda on U.S.-Israeli relations
and imply that in the neo-con universe there is little light between the two countries. We talk openly about the Israeli bias in the U.S.media. We make wry jokes about Congress being "Israeli-occupied
territory." Jason Vest in The Nation magazine reported forthrightly
that some of the think tanks that hold sway over Bush administration
thinking see no difference between U.S. and Israeli national security
interests. But we never pronounce the particular words that best
describe the real meaning of those observations and wry remarks. It's
time, however, that we say the words out loud and deal with what they
really signify.


Tue Aug 08, 12:08:00 PM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

re John America: Mel? Is that you Mel?

Tue Aug 08, 06:52:00 PM 2006  
Blogger Mary Lois said...

I think I'd rather be characterized as a "commentrix." By the way, "roger willco" has got to be one of the most amusing Internet monikers I've seen. Guess you have to be of WWII vintage to get it, though.

Wed Aug 09, 09:08:00 AM 2006  
Blogger Benedict S. said...

I'm more of the WWII vintage than you are, Miss FF, but if there is a hidden meaning to "Roger Willco" I don't know it. Pls explain, but try to keep it clean. There may be children present.

"Commentrix" huh? OK, but watch for Bert B. to turn his serpentine mind loose on that one.

Wed Aug 09, 12:26:00 PM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Commentrix" huh? I looked that word up in the dictionary and the word doesn't exist,what does it mean?

Was it roger willco that was playing to be Mel Gibson on your blog miss ff?

Wed Aug 09, 01:32:00 PM 2006  
Blogger Mary Lois said...

Guess nobody here went to those old movies where Van Johnson or Frank Lovejoy or even John Wayne was flying the craft into a fog and talking on the radio to some safe base getting instructions. The signoff was "Roger." The response was "Willco. Over." then came "Over and Out." This was instead of "bye bye."

As to who is Mel on my blog, I dunno. There is a local here who voiced similar sentiments, and I suspect he decided to wreak a little havoc by signing on as Mel and assuming the persona he thinks is like Mr. Gibson's. I doubt if he's followed me here -- but a lot of folks have.

I was joking about "commentrix," a sexier version of commenteress, I think, but antiquated like "aviatrix," which is another word Robin has probably never heard of. I thought better of it ("commentrix") later, and decided on "Commentatrix," but let's examine that. It is a feminization of "Commentator," as on the Evening News, and when I comment on a blog I am not being a "commentator," but a "commenter." I still prefer commentrix to commenteress. Call me difficult.

Wed Aug 09, 01:42:00 PM 2006  
Blogger Benedict S. said...

Miss FF: O, well, I new that meaning, but I don't see it as particularly "amusing." I thought there might be a hidden meaning that I -- having led a sheltered life (in a mouse hole(?) -- had never heard of.

Miss Robin: I think the guy who asked John (A) about "Mel" was trying to make Mr (A) out as an anti-semite, just as Mel Gibson has come across in his latest escapade (and did much more effectively, I hear, in that Passion movie). But I bet John's as much an anti-Pentecostal and anti-Hezzbolah as he is an anti-semite ... playing no favorites, don't you see. But then, John can speak for himself, I betcha.

Wed Aug 09, 05:56:00 PM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. bs ,how do statements like these:"This neocon strategy is mainly the work of Jewish brains.", and " The Jewish Lobby has the US under control and can ensure that Israel can do what it pleases...", and
" Bush and his right-wing Christians are doing a great job for Israel and the Jews.", and
" Hence, cutting the UN off as irrelevant and staking out US global leadership is a brilliant Jewish strategy for the good of Israel." :differ from the early morning, drunken tirade spouted by the erstwhile Mr. Gibson?

Thu Aug 10, 07:07:00 PM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. JA, you state that " It's
time, however, that we say the words out loud and deal with what they really signify.", and yet you never say the words. What are these words that need to be said at this time?

Thu Aug 10, 07:09:00 PM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To put it in simple terms,if you don't know,I'm not telling.Look at the world's politics man,don't you watch the news?

Fri Aug 11, 02:14:00 PM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, what a cop-out! Here's what I think: you either lack the requiste testosterone to " say the words out loud and deal with what they really signify", or you don't have any idea of what you are talking about. Either way you should fess up.

Over and Out

Fri Aug 11, 07:03:00 PM 2006  

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