Sunday, August 20, 2006

Manifest Mendacity

A man I know as “John (Sweden)” last evening posted a rather meaningful comment to one of the Mouse’s blogs. He wrote, in part: “America is one of civilization’s greatest tragedies, a failed democracy, and the number one threat and obstacle to peace and stability in the world.” John (S)’s statement was made in the context of a discussion of the Iraq war, in which the Mouse had opined – not exactly in these hackneyed words – that, while the invasion of that oil-rich country was ill-advised (to put it mildly), the U.S. now finds itself holding a tiger by the tail. To let go, and leave the tiger to its own designs could very well have disastrous effects.

John (S), after swapping remarks with another commenter, most of which could be dismissed as the sort of persiflage too often encountered in Internet “rooms,” finally broadened the discussion to a topic that could not so easily be set aside. When viewed within the context of that broader concern, the war in Iraq can be seen as merely a symptom of a deadly disease. America may indeed be “the number one threat and obstacle to peace and stability in the world.”

Once the notion struck me that John (S) might be right, I began to wonder how it could have come about that a nation founded on the ideals of human equality and “liberty and justice for all” could have become a monster to at least one reasonably intelligent man. Answering that question would be easy if it could be settled by solving the riddles of the current U.S. administration. There can be no question but that the nation’s ideals have been severely betrayed by George W. Bush and his accomplices. In even a modest expression of those ideals, no justification can be found for preemptive war, for misleading the American people with lies and distortions of fact, for eroding civil liberties, for, in effect, fomenting violence – all of which have become business as usual for our leadership. Yes, if it were that simple the problem could be solved very simply, by voting the miscreants out of office. But I suspect – no, I am convinced – the roots of the problem go much further back than the current occupant’s residency in the White House.

John (S) indirectly referred to the Vietnam War, and in retrospect I suppose most people would agree that war was a terrible mistake. And yet, it was justified at the time by honest civil servants as a continuation of a policy developed during the Eisenhower administration by John Foster Dulles. Designed to bankrupt the Soviet Union, Dulles’s “brinksmanship” strategy sought to keep the world on the brink of war, with the U.S. developing weapons of greater and greater technical capability, not intending necessarily to use them, but requiring the USSR to spend more than their fledgling economy could afford merely to keep up. Dulles was playing on Russian paranoia, an illness it acquired as a direct effect of the Stalinist purges and the tragic losses inflicted upon the Soviet people during WW II. The USSR countered by promoting a series of cheap guerilla type wars, the most significant for the U.S. being the war waged by Ho Chi Minh against the pseudo-American government of South Vietnam.

But even the so-called Cold War does not seem to have been the beginning of the malaise John (S) pointed to. America’s dealings with Mexico and the tribal nations of Native Americans reflected a small scale contagion of the Superpower mindset, a “childhood” disease as it were that has metastasized into an epidemic. We characterized those early violations of human rights as expressions of the nation’s “manifest destiny,” as if we, like the Joshua of the Old Testament, were empowered from on high to go forth and conquer. It seems never to have occurred to us to question those essentially empty words, accepting the evidence of our undeniable successes as proof of our divine authority.

The Spanish-American War finally brought into the open our belief that America was the “anointed of God.” Our quest for empire could no longer be glossed over as a territorial necessity. The islands of the Philippines were half-way around the world. We justified our murder of tens of thousands of native Filipinos in words that might have been spoken by an itinerant tent-show preacher: we were bringing Christianity to the heathens. That motive played well among the fundamentalist population of the late 1890s, with only a few voices being raised, notable among them one of my heroes, Samuel Langhorne Clemens, Mark Twain. But despite Clemens’ popularity, he was not heard. His was merely a voice of reason, with no chance at all against the jingoistic bellowing of the Hearst newspapers and, yes, the Old Rough Rider himself. The die was cast, and America was launched as a world super power.

The First World War solidified the casting, and our refusal to join the League of Nations, as merely one of many focused on world peace, confirmed that we regarded ourselves as something other than just another member of the herd of nations. We were, after all, the power that had snatched England's and France’s chestnuts out of the fire of the stalemated war, and brought Germany to its knees. Even today, the jingo lives on in our dogged reluctance to surrender even a part of our sovereignty to the United Nations.

Now all of this might have been for the good if we had based our “foreign entanglements” on the ideals of liberty and justice. Instead of enacting policies fraught with superstitious beliefs in manifest destiny and divine revelation, we could have adopted a “Lighthouse Policy,” demonstrating our righteousness by our example. If our system of government was the best – and there has never been a better – that fact, by itself, would have made more converts to democracy than our armies ever could – or will. If our system of limited capitalism was seen to produce more wealth than any other ever had or could, that fact too would have led at least the reasoning people of the world to emulation rather than hatred. If we had fought wars only for noble reasons, if we had never permitted our ideals to be sacrificed to delusions of grandeur, if we had humbly walked in the way of the ideas that must have been held in the hearts of the Founders, perhaps the world might not now see us as John (S) sees us, as a nation the world has passed by.

I grant, the Lighthouse Policy has never in history been implemented by any nation that was powerful enough to believe it could follow the path of conquest. As Thucydides wrote of the Athenian negotiation with the Milesians (before slaughtering them), “Of men we know, and of the Gods we suspect, they will rule where they can, and serve only where they must.” The madman Hegel wrote – though it took him roughly 400,000 words of bad German to say it: men are either masters or slaves, and desire to be the former. No powerful nation has for very long pursued a path lit by reason. All have followed where their lust for power would take them.

And here we are.

We are tempted to believe the world might be different if men would only come to their senses. Unfortunately, we must deal with people as they are, and not as we wish they were. This nation was not established to change men’s nature, but rather to establish a framework of order and justice within which men might seek their own sense of righteousness, and see to their own happiness. The United States of America was never created to be a world power, nor a savior of humankind. That it has come to this must be seen as a gradual assault of our demons upon the nobler angels of our ideals. It was to be expected, that when men use words without knowing their meaning, when nations feel they are “called” to “liberate” the world by force of arms … it was to be expected that at least one, and maybe two, reasonably intelligent men would see America as “a failed democracy, and the number one threat and obstacle to peace and stability in the world.”

But fret not, John (S). So long as it remains possible for men to speak and write words describing the ideals of the American dream, so long as people like yourself continue to keep alive – if only flickeringly so – the principles upon which this nation was founded …then this too shall pass and we shall see a rebirth of freedom, not forced upon the world, but growing out of the pure vision kept in your heart.

But what a pity that so many innocents have been caused to die by the blindness and stone-heartedness of those who are led by a will to power.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

When historians view America in 250 years, and in particular the 20th
and 21st centuries, they will see Ancient Rome. Historians will regret
the enormous costs of US capitalism to both the United States and the

My Lai will be but a footnote compared to the atrocities committed at Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Korea, Vietnam, My Lai, Somalia and Iraq.
I'm certain that the US Military will probably be viewed in a slightly less than neutral light: an aggressive arm of the United States
campaign to spread "freedom" to every corner of the globe, erstwhile
(and in retrospect) laying waste to entire regions in the name of oil,
oil...and more oil.

And so, in 250 years hence, when the United States is a ruined nation,
historians will finally look upon this era as a disturbing trend in
human indignity: just as the Americans now look upon the 19th century treatment of Native Americans as "barbaric," so shall historians view our treatment of Iraq.

Sun Aug 20, 05:17:00 PM 2006  
Blogger Benedict S. said...

Well said, young lady. You appear to have eyes wide open.

Sun Aug 20, 06:20:00 PM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The war in Iraq has not been prolonged by the Americans, it has been prolonged by the factions in that nation who refuse to live in peace with one another. If the insurgents in Iraqi want America out all they need to do is allow the new government to form and begin functioning in peace.Certainly they are free to take part in the political process, certainly they have been assured the right to practice thier faith and to live freely as they see fit.
But maybe the forces who are not willing to work for peace really don't want American troops to leave that country; maybe they feel that it is advantagous to thier cause to keep the fires of war burning and thus keep the Americans bogged down in a nation they would have left long ago if restabilazation could have been reached.It is apparent that these forces are winning the propaganda war in nations throughout the world, and here at home if they are not winning the war for America's hearts and minds they are definately making inroads in that area.
Of course the argument can be made that the US should never have gone in to begin with, but that argument is a mute point; at this juncture in history what needs to be accomplished before America can leave is accord between the Iraqi citizens who seem bent on killing one another. Until that accord is reached we will be bogged down in Iraq for what looks like a very long time.
In the mean time America's civil and political leaders need to start working together for the good of the citizens they were elected to serve. If this nation is going to come to the dreadful end that some at this site envison, that end will be the result of a lack of leadership from elected officials of every stripe who are only concerned with keeping power and enriching themselves while Rome burns around them. Sadly, I suppose that thus it has been ever!

Finally though, I feel strangely obliged to remind everyone at this site that we are all Americans and if America's government fails the cost will be borne by we the people. That means that you and I, our children and friends will face hardships that we can hardly imagine; sitting in our comfortable homes and viewing our computer screens while the TV or radio blares in the background and the air conditioner pulses cool air into our living rooms some of us may have convinced ourselves that we deserve to suffer. But it is easy to say such things when how ever close tragedy is it seems so far away.

Sun Aug 20, 09:17:00 PM 2006  
Blogger Benedict S. said...

Exactly, anon. If those people would just behave as we wish they would everything would work out hunkey-dorry. I guess we'll just have to kill them all.

Mon Aug 21, 04:28:00 AM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

America is reacting predictably. Except for widespread public prayer, ours has been the classic response to classic terrorism.

I think there is no question in anyone's mind at this moment that America has no integrity (hell, you just need to look at the Indian treaties to realize that). Certainly the mainstream American media has absolutely no integrity, in that it's obvious to everyone the real stories about the Iraq war, depleted uranium, public corruption, fixed elections, and on and on ad infinitum are never mentioned by the hateful robots you see reading the "news" on TV).
But the larger question is: Do WE have integrity? I'm talking about you and me.

Mon Aug 21, 04:55:00 PM 2006  
Blogger Benedict S. said...

Robin: I like the question ... gets right down to cases. The fact that this is a so-called republic, where ultimate responsibility resides with the governed, if our elected representatives lack integrity, well, who's to blame? I and Thou, my dear ... I and Thou.

Mon Aug 21, 06:20:00 PM 2006  
Blogger Benedict S. said...

In yesterday's press conference the current occupant said, "Leaving before the job would be done would send a message that America really is no longer engaged, nor cares about the form of governments in the Middle East. Leaving before the job was done would send a signal to our troops that the sacrifices they made were not worth it. Leaving before the job is done would be a disaster, and that's what we're saying."

In making this statement he has been forced to dodge the truth. Referring to a desire to support the "governments in the middle east" completely avoids the fact that it was the current occupant himself who directed the overthrow of one of those governments, creating circumstances that may lead to ultimate lethality where there had been only "mayhem as usual." And then, by falling back upon that old shibboleth of all misguided tyrants -- "We must fight it out, we cannot retire without honor" -- he implies that any adventure upon which our armies are sent is, by definition, honorable. This false belief is a natural outgrowth of the pathological hubris described in this blog.

Tue Aug 22, 05:42:00 AM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

bs- they say that thier aim is to have us leave, if that is true all they need do is stop killing each other and then we will BE ABLE to leave. the American public wants out, our government wants out, but the insurgents seem to want us to stay.the war is being prolonged by forces that have an agenda, that agenda is opression and control. if all you took away from what i said in my previous response is "If those people would just behave as we wish they would everything would work out hunkey-dorry. I guess we'll just have to kill them all. ", our country is in even more trouble than i thought it was.despite what you may want to portray as truth, the American people are not bent on having " to kill them all. " it is the other side that wants to kill them all...

Tue Aug 22, 06:24:00 AM 2006  
Blogger Benedict S. said...

Obviously, anon, (and I hate to have to put this so forcefully) you lack the ability to read irony as irony. Clearly the American people do not desire to "kill them all." That was a "modest proposal." You also appear to have failed to appreciate that I do not wish to see our armies depart from Iraq. We have created there the strong probability that if we do depart, we will leave the wealth of that nation in the hands of people who are equally as insane as our glorious leader. I would have you, and all clear-headed people -- and the rest, too -- go to the polls in November and send a clear signal to the world -- note TO THE WORLD -- that we, the American people disapprove of the strange men who have led the nation and the world into these lethal times. If you wish to defend the sons-a-bitches who made this mess, then defend them by telling us how this plan of theirs ever was meant to turn out any way other than the way it has. They have fomented violence, and (unfortunately) people other than them and theirs are paying the price.

Tue Aug 22, 07:54:00 AM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I, in fact, do understand irony and the use of sarcasm when I see it, my dear blogmiester.I am under the opinion that your "modest proposal was nothing less at a smart-assed crack aimed at gaining support from your target audience.But that's okay, I understand that this is how these parochial sites operate.
Furthermore, if my intent was to defend our leaders I would have made it clear that thier defense was my intent.The points that I apparently have been unable to make are that we the people will bear the consequences of our leaders actions; and that we the people, rather than listing the sins of our fathers and getting cozy in our sense of moral superiority and righteous indignation, need to start raising our voices in support of our country's efforts to restabilize Iraq so that we can leave. A restabilized Iraq will bring peace, but I am of the opinion that peace isn't necessarily the goal of many in the peace movement. Sadly, I have reached the conclusion that some activists here in America see the war as an opportunity to gain political power rather than a problem that we need to work together to solve. The violence that you believe was fomented by our leaders can end if the insurgency in Iraq wants it to end, I don't expect you to condemn those who are placing bombs on roadsides and killing pilgrims on thier way to religious service since that won't serve your purpose.Those perpetrating violence in Iraq do not want to end the violence because it is violence that makes them alive.
As far as what I'd like to see happen to we the people, I think Miss FF hit it on the head when she said something like, we need to imbue young people to idealism without anger.

Tue Aug 22, 10:46:00 AM 2006  
Blogger Benedict S. said...

"I don't expect you to condemn those who are placing bombs on roadsides and killing pilgrims on thier way to religious service since that won't serve your purpose."

You have gone altogether too far with this one. I'll leave it up to you to find a way to see just how vulgar that statement is.

Pls learn to read.

Tue Aug 22, 11:22:00 AM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

'"I don't expect you to condemn those who are placing bombs on roadsides and killing pilgrims on thier way to religious service since that won't serve your purpose."' anon.

"You have gone altogether too far with this one. I'll leave it up to you to find a way to see just how vulgar that statement is."bs

When and where have you done it? Did I miss your condemnation of these actions somewhere in your writings about the current war? Did some other of your pundits at this site mention these things? I admit that I am not an ardent student of your works, but what I have seen here in these past few days has not portrayed for one instance the responsibility of the insurgents for the prolongation of this horrific situation in Iraq.Where and when was that mentioned?
Or are you using irony again in an effort to make some vague point?

I will say this, however, I did not mean that I count you in the number of those who I beleieve see a prolonged war as a means to gain political power;if that is what I meant I would have clearly said so. However, proof is in the putting as far as your willingness to place at least some blame where it belongs.

In a side note I must say that I am surprised by the things that raise your ire, the things you respond to in my written observations are hardly the things that I feel important; but I suppose you thought I was going further with my comments about your willingness to criticze the other side than I actually was. Plainly speaking,I do not believe you want to see a prolonged war for any reason, for the confusion on that point I apologize without reservation.

The real issue is how are Americans from the heights of power down to the lowly man on the street going to work together to end this war and to make this world a better place. I don't think the type of rhetoric I have seen on this site is going to get it done!

Tue Aug 22, 12:24:00 PM 2006  
Blogger Benedict S. said...

Anon: You wrote: "The real issue is how are Americans from the heights of power down to the lowly man on the street going to work together to end this war and to make this world a better place. I don't think the type of rhetoric I have seen on this site is going to get it done!"

I have no idea how to end this war. We cannot simply "kill them all." I gave you the only recommendation I think has a chance: vote for a change in government.

If you truly believe the current occupant of the White House has the power and skills to bring the nation together on anything then you and I can certainly disagree on that point. Several months ago I blogged that I had written to my congressman, a Republican, asking him to initiate impeachment proceedings. I argued that such a gesture, coming from those of the current occupant's own party, might go a long way to mend some of the fences he has destroyed. I received a form letter thanking me for my support.

Thanks for your "apology," but I gather you still believe there are people on the left who wish for the murder and mayhem in Iraq to continue. I first heard that remark for that nutcase, Ann Coulter, but I'm told she got it from Limbaugh. Sounds like him. I know he's good at coining clever epithets, "Femminazi" and "Islamofascist" were of his making and could be considered quite good if they were not so hate-filled.

Peace be with you.

Tue Aug 22, 01:32:00 PM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All this hashing and bashing about the Iraqi War and mouse being to decent to really say what's on his mind.

The two main reasons the average American permits the Iraq war to
continue are: racism, and denial. Someone tell me I am wrong.

George W. Bush has made the terrorists stronger, their influence wider, their numbers larger, and their motivation to attack the U.S. and other western interests greater. He has repeatedly abused his authority and violated his Oath of Office by turning his back on the United States Constitution; thereby surrendering to the terrorists by underminig American freedoms,values, and the very foundations of our system of government.
Supporting Bush is treason.

Tue Aug 22, 03:23:00 PM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The two main reasons the average American permits the Iraq war to
continue are: racism, and denial. Someone tell me I am wrong."

You're wrong. The reason most Americans continue to "permit(s) the Iraq war to continue" is that they are scared to death that one day they are going to wake up to bombs on a train, or planes crashing into buildings, or dirty bombs exploding in a city near you. Racism has nothing to do with these fears, they are based on the actions of those we fear over the past thirty years.

Tue Aug 22, 05:29:00 PM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My opinions aren't based on what Ann Coulter or Rush Limbaugh have to say, they are based on my own observations over the past thirty years of my life. To be quite frank, I don't like Ann Coulter one iota- she seems to me a poor representative of any cause given her unpleasant, combative demeanor.As for Rush, I haven't heard him in years ,so I will need to take your word on what he has been saying about "the left".
As far as voting the __ out of office, I think this tactic will be effective only if the loyal opposition can put up candidates who have the skills and knowledge needed to govern.

On impeachment, I think it would be self-destructive in this time of war and uncertatinty.

I also believe that there are a few, driving the left's agenda at the extreme outer fringe of leftist idealogy who want nothing short of anarchy. These individuals, in my opinion , don't care how they effect change because to thier minds the ends will justify the means.

Tue Aug 22, 05:39:00 PM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anon; you are wrong, it's been 5 years since the WTC and people have forgotten already. We haven't had any serious attempts on USA soil since,we never found any weapons of mass destruction, Bush's popularity is way down, most of America now knows he lied to us and we neither believe what he says nor do we trust him.

75% of the people believe all Muslems are radicals, that's racism in and of itself and then we are so busy trying to outdo our neighbors,who has the biggest and best SUV, who's kid is the best in soccer or other sports and what expensive resturant can we be seen in tonight so our neighbors won't know we are in debt up to our eyebrows.

I know of no-one that's scared our trains, subways or even planes will ever be bombed again. You must be living in a cave or else you are speaking of radical, fundemental christians that hope for such things to happen so they can see the end of the world come and enter into the kingdom of heaven.

Tue Aug 22, 10:28:00 PM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This one’s for you Robin. Keep up the good work, you’re are on target, impeaching Bush and his band of “war criminals” including those members of congress who have violated their oaths “to uphold the constitution to the best of their ability” and bringing them along with their soldiers to trial for “war crimes” and “treason” would be only the first step for america and Americans to begin to regain their integrity.

An American Turning Point
By Peter Dyer

Unfortunately, it will probably take a “New American Revolution” to do it. You do have the right, under the ideals expressed in the Declaration of Independence, to overthrow the government. It can be done peaceably. Ghandi has shown the way. You cannot Kill for Peace, it is always counter productive. “Dying” for the American way and “Killing” for the american way are two different things. To be willing to dedicate yourself, (Cindy Sheenan, Robert Fisk, Micheal Moore, Ralph Nader, etc…) ,and perhaps sacrifice your life (Rachel Cory, Martin Luther King, etc…) non-violently for the causes of Peace, Freedom, Justice, the Rule of Law, Humanity and Civil Society is the ultimate of life’s challenges. It is the difference between those of real courage, character, and (to use your word), “INTEGRITY”, and those cheap hustler’s, quick fix opportunists, and seekers of meaningless power, who choose the way of the gun or the bomb to achieve their goals.

Your anger, your passion and sense of righteous indignation, give hope, not to america, but to the world. Never lose it (except to facts and reason), never let anyone tell you shouldn’t be angry (unless they can prove by facts and reason why your anger is misplaced) and never be afraid to express it, in deeds and words, in the face of injustice, brutality, and the tyranny of violence at home or abroad. Talk, while cheap, is necessary but it can only be a beginning. The argument should always be eventually brought to, and made on, personal, emotional and human level, that is how you can separate the chaff from the wheat, and truth tellers from the bullshit artists and connect to the human heart where all meaningful decisions concerning humanity are made.

In the long run, it is the quiet day-to-day real life struggle of small steps of championing, upholding and living these values for the people in your community and neighborhoods (blogvilles included) that will make the real difference for civilization. It’s “ff” in her struggle for the Organic school and it’s vision of a higher quality in education it’s mouse freely working on his local election board, it’s the billions of others all across the world working in peace to make the world a little bit better than when they got here that move civilization forward. Wars of all kinds, warriors, and those who argue and make the cases for killing are aberrations, a small minority, useless riff-raff, ignorant and moral cowards who’s acceptance, eventual love and defense of violence can only make our work little harder. In the end, we will, as we always have, win. That is the history, hope and truth of civilization and the human heart.

Mouse your rewriting and misrepresentation of american history to make the founding documents the reason for the exceptional wealth and success of Americans is right up there with your ridiculous conclusion that American continued consuming is somehow the salvation of the world.

The self serving-reason you must get out of Iraq now! american marines, pride of america, the most disciplined of your armed forces, by their own admission, coldly, calmly and intentionally planned and serially raped an innocent 14 year-old girl, murdered her family, and then without remorse or conscience, barbecued some chicken.

Anonymous, you really need to gain some knowledge on the subject. For you to claim that this administration wants to get out Iraq is just plain ignorance of the facts. This administration by it’s own admission and that of its supporters, planned to invade and permanently occupy Iraq for the purpose of gaining strategic control of world’s oil long before it came to power (RE: Project For A New American Century). The original plan was to be greeted as liberators, which why they chose Iraq as a starting point. The original and continuing objectives of the administration and its supporters is to strip the economy and create a secular government and state, to support this American military presence in the region. To that end it is now building the world’s largest embassy along with 14 permanent military bases from which intends to consolidate and project its power by first destabilizing Iran and controlling through state terror the other nations in the region.

Despite all of it flaws, such as “being greeted as liberators”, that was and continues to be plan A. What you are seeing now is a classic colonial, divide and conquer, strategy. Keep the natives divided and fighting amongst themselves in order for them to eventually see the occupying power and it’s puppet government as legitimate. If in the end this cannot be fully achieved we have plan B (RE: A Clean Break) which was presented to Israel by the same authors of Plan A. Which is to break-up the Arab states into warring factions or weak local governments that could be easily controlled.

The problem is that the people of Iraq and the region have been through this before and have long history fighting and resisting foreign occupation and puppet governments including Saddam’s who was up until the first gulf war an american asset. So they are not about to let you do to them, what you think you are going to do. The reality that you must come to terms with is that you will be eventually forced out with a vengeance. This is why, along with my above reason, you must get out now! You have neither, the moral authority, the money, the troops, or the ability, (short of "killing them all"), to win any of your objectives. Get totally out! Make peace with these people now! Pay for all the damages, and maybe just maybe you have a chance of achieving some insight on gaining the security and peace you claim to desire.

Tue Aug 22, 11:37:00 PM 2006  
Blogger Benedict S. said...

John (S): Yes, "true believers" come in all flavors, "anonymous true blue," "Swedish pure blend red," and "Mouse grey." Put 'em all together and you get a pot of melted message. Great speech, though. I'm sure Miss Robin will benefit from it.

Wed Aug 23, 01:51:00 PM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anon; you are wrong, it's been 5 years since the WTC and people have forgotten already.R

Sadly your statement that people have forgotten is all too true. This is precisely why you have been indoctrinated toward this sense of national self-loathing they way you have, it is also why Americans have lost thier resolve to fight the war on terror. anon

We haven't had any serious attempts on USA soil since,R

The argument has been made that one reason the terrorist haven't been able to perpetrate another 9-11 ia because we have disrupted thier networks and kept them busy elsewhere. However, several plots have been thwarted in the years since 9-11 due to our diligence and heightened security.Also, there have been a number of deadly attacks on our allies all over the world, notably in England.
Just in the past week a mjor terrorist plot was avoided because of the work of Scotland Yard/ In the past six months a major plot brewing in Florida was thwarted, security in Michigan has been alerted to the possibility of a bridge being destroyed by terrorist, etc.(who's been in a cave?)anon.

we never found any weapons of mass destruction,R

Wrong, we haven't found nuclear weapons but we have found chemical, biological weapons- the very same type of weapons Mr. Hussien used on his Kurdish countrymen.BTW, the whole world suspected that Mr. Hussien had weapons of mass destruction, mostly because(despite his protestations that he didn't have any) he did everything in his power to make the world believe that he did indeed possess WMD's. anon.

Bush's popularity is way down, R

True- and this can be tied to the fact that our enemy is winning the propaganda ward- thanks in part to politicians who want to further thier own agenda- and as you have said, many of us have forgotten 9-11. anon.

most of America now knows he lied to us and we neither believe what he says nor do we trust him. R

most of America? How about if you amend this statement to many in America- that would be more accurate. anon.

75% of the people believe all Muslems are radicals,R

Prove it- don't think you can pull some figure 75% out of your hat and have that stand as fact. 75% of the peolel believe All Muslims are radicals? Seems to me that our leaders, along with the majority of the American populas have been doing all they can to avoid such sweeping generalizations- so produce the poll and then we'll talk about this mendacious figure. anon.

that's racism in and of itself R

This isn't a racist war, unless you are talking about the radicals who want to 'kill the infidels
(including me and you). anon.

and then we are so busy trying to outdo our neighbors,who has the biggest and best SUV, who's kid is the best in soccer or other sports and what expensive resturant can we be seen in tonight so our neighbors won't know we are in debt up to our eyebrows. R

uh?!? anon.

I know of no-one that's scared our trains, subways or even planes will ever be bombed again. You must be living in a cave or else you are speaking of radical, fundemental christians that hope for such things to happen so they can see the end of the world come and enter into the kingdom of heaven. R

Only a fool would hope for such things to happen. But the sort of complacency you are talking about will assure that it will happen...

Wed Aug 23, 06:21:00 PM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

John S - every year the Ameircan people have the opportunity to peaceably over-throw the American governement- we call them elections.

Bush will be out of office in 2008- it'll be here before you know it.

; )

Wed Aug 23, 06:26:00 PM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh and one other plot I forgot, with all apologizes to our friends in Canada- early this summer the Canadian government thrwarted a plot to wreck havoc just north of our border.
Don't be lullied to sleep Miss Robin, Hannibal is at the gates...

Thu Aug 24, 10:02:00 AM 2006  

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