Thursday, August 17, 2006

A Mouse in the White House

First, I want to clear up the title. The mouse in the White House is a mouse, not the Mouse. The mouse currently occupying the White House
and -- I must add -- his political opponents do not see the double edged tragedy in the following statement (uttered by the mouse yesterday).

"Leaving before we complete our mission would create a terrorist state in the heart of the Middle East, a country with huge oil reserves that the terrorist network would be willing to use to extract economic pain from those of us who believe in freedom."

The current occupant of the White House hinges the future of his administration on the obvious fact that what he said is probably the truth. But he apparently is not willing to face the more compelling fact that he's the villain who created that uncomfortable situation. Moreover, the Democratic meatballs appear to be denying the terrible fact the mouse reported, crying for immediate withdrawal from Iraq when they ought to be forming their demands around simply getting rid of the current occupant of the White House and the much larger rats who put the crazy ideas in his head, Mr. Cheney and Mr. Rumsfeld.

The genuine, capital "M" Mouse reported the fact implied in the (little "m") mouse's speech over three years ago, before the troops were sent in. And the Mouse wasn't the only one telling his mousiness the truth. His Secretary of State told him that he was creating a "pottery shop" manifesto, "If you break it you own it." The current occupant disregarded that advice, and now complains that the mess he created is really a mess.

If the party that is now out wants to get in, they've got to stop this bullshit about getting out of Iraq now. They must be truthful about the status quo, admit that the nation is between the proverbial rock and a hard place, and brace the American people for a long, hard struggle. They must run their campaigns on the basis of the fact that the ("m") mouse is simply incompetent. It's not that he's merely stupid. It's that his particular brand of stupidity is the sort usually associated with evil people. Their brainless actions lead to tragedy and they take responsibility for none of it. The time has past when we can afford to keep brainless krill on the payroll.

Which raises an interesting question: do we have any intelligent politicians left in this country? The possibility truly exists that the election process itself has, by natural selection, produced politicians whose qualifications reside in the bone structure of their faces. To win office they must be photogenic. So, getting a politician elected who actually possesses the qualifications needed to lead the nation out of a quagmire is going to be difficult if not altogether impossible.

I would opt entirely for impossibility if I had not recently seen on CSPAN a young, good looking member of the House of Representatives who not only has the media-demanded qualification of being pleasantly photographable, but who seems also to have a brain that works. I'm referring to a fellow name of Jay Inslee, a Congressman from the state of Washington. If the one performance I saw is an idicator of the man's abilities, then I say let's promote him, make him the next current occupant (and maybe the Mouse can then actually say the President's name without gagging).

The CSPAN broadcast I watched was devoted to a subcommittee meeting in which the merits of the "hockey stick" analysis of global warming was being discussed. For the first hour or so the congresspeople on the committee were grilling six invited panel members, three of whom supported the analysis (which shows temperatures rising at an alarming rate) and three of whom were quibbling with the statistical methods that had been used. No one, not any of the members of the subcommittee who had spoken -- and certainly not the Mouse -- knew the first thing about statistics, so the words passing back and forth between the subcommittee and the panel might just as well have been grunts and growls for all they were contributing to an understanding of the problem. But then came Jay Inslee's turn to ask questions.

He first, in a matter of seconds, asked any of the six panel members who had any doubts about the human causes of global warming to raise their hand. None did. Then Inslee said, very simply, so the debate we're having is not about whether we have a problem, and added that the time has passed for defining the problem and it was now time to take action.

In short, Inslee had nailed the true problem and recommended a course different from the do-nothing process currently being pursued by the administration and the Congress. I was struck by his ability to see the truth through all the smoke and mirrors. He must be possessed of a logical, Spinozistic mind.

So, there is hope. Maybe Mr. Inslee is not the man the Democrats will put forth to do the job. He's not very well known. But the fact that people like him can still be found among the population suggests to me that all is not lost. The problem facing us in Iraq is difficult, but it can't be much worse than we have faced many times before. In my lifetime, the nation has risen from the poverty of a great depression, fought and won a major world war, lost an ill-advised war, rose above the criminal acts of at least two presidents and the sexual perversity of another, and yet is still breathing. But today we face major problems, perhaps as difficult as any we have faced since the Civil War. We must begin as a people to use our minds as active devices, questioning what we hear, rather than letting it soak into our already-made-up minds.

Yes, Mr. (little "m") mouse, tragedy might indeed result if we precipitously leave Iraq, but why in heaven's name should we trust you to solve the problem, the numbskull who put us there in the first place? You are the problem, and it's time for the American people to wake up to that fact. We've done it before, we'll do it again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How far down the rabbit hole can we go with comments to this particular blog?

Impeach Bush!!!!!

Cheney will have to tell how come Halliburton got billions in no bid contracts due to our attack on Iraq.

Cheney will have to come clean?

Our government lied to us, about the Attack on Iraq,there were no weapons of massive destruction,there was no urnaium bought by Iraq from Niger,
Saddam Hussein was not a direct, impending, immediate threat.

Our government shook hands with Saddam Hussein,after he gassed the Kurds, we gave Saddam biological

Wolfowitz, Perle and Bush all three lied and Iraqi Civilians
died, Our Troops are being blown up everyday.

We need an airing, a public inquiry,
a top to bottom shake up of the Bush Administration.

Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Perle and Rumsfeld need to be on the hot seat answering questions in a no holds barred press conference before
the international media.

Congress should conduct an inquiry into why Bush lied.

Thu Aug 17, 03:59:00 PM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with everything you said.even though i have never heard of Jay Inslee it sounds like some one we could use to bring forth more faith in at least some hope for the future.

Thu Aug 17, 09:24:00 PM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don’t know which is worse, Bush’s spinning or Mouse’s Spin-oz-ing. Maybe it’s because Spinoza never visited a “Pottery Barn” that once again we have our Mouse missing the obvious. Yes it is true, as the treasonous coward and war criminal (Ref. Vietnam), Powell stated, “If you broke it you own it”. Both he and the Mouse leave out the second part where you, “pay for it, and get the hell out of the store before you break something else”. You don’t get to sit down and make a new one, or glue the old one back together, and try to pass it off as if nothing happened.

Start counting Mouse.

As for Americans facing up to being between a “rock and hard place” and paying the cost of the “long hard struggle”, don’t count on our “Mouse” doing any of the heavy lifting. I don’t recall him telling us how he took is newly graduated grandson down to the Marine recruiting office and encouraged him to join the “long hard struggle” against terrorism in Iraq. “Bushit Artists”, like Mouse always have someone else mind when it comes to paying the cost. During Vietnam, when our support but not fight the war, “Mouse”, was working (making weapons) under his then proud motto “We Kill Them Better”, his generation’s stay the course “bushit” was paid for by 58,209 dead young americans, 153,303 wounded young americans, and 3-4 million dead innocent Vietnamese, men woman and children. How many young americans and innocent Iraqis is he willing to sacrifice, this time, from the retiring comfort of his living room in the hills of Appalachia?

And while I’m at it, let correct some of “Mouse’s Spin-oz-ing” of History. America rose out the Depression by being reluctantly forced into a World War by the first “Pearl Harbor”, (the second one came on 9/11 and was predicted as necessary by the author’s of the “Project for A New American Century”). America only HELPED! along with it’s Allies, which I might add bore the heaviest military and civilian burdens (ex. Russia, over 10 million military dead and 10–17 million dead civilians) to win WW II. The Vietnam disgrace was not an “ill advised war” but a “Police Action” and “war crime”. Mouse and America may have overcome Clinton’s sexual perversities, but world has not forgotten, Secretary of State, Madiline Albright’s interview to CBS on 11th May 1998 about the United States genocidal policies in Iraq. Albright calmly stated, after some 1.5 million Iraqi children, women and men died, "It's a hard choice, but I think, we, think, it's worth it."

So stop blaming Bush! He and his band of crimminals are, as mouse demostrates, in perfect harmony and alignment with the majority of americans, their murderous exceptionalism and history. By what god in heaven or hell gives America the right to spend one more day murdering, raping, torturing and destroying the lives of innocent men women and children of Iraq and Afghanistan. Get the F**K out, go home, not just from Iraq, but everywhere, and the let rest of the world live in peace. Maybe if you did that you might find yourselves a little safer, a little less hated, and have the opportunity to be a little more of what america could and should stand for. Now, as things stand, in words deeds and actions, you are world’s Fourth Reich.

I think it’s time for Mouse to stop missing the obvious and close the book on Spinoza and join the contemporary real world, of realistic thinking, concerning america’s shrinking role in the world. Perhaps you should hop over to read a little of Buhcanan over at the “American Cause. Here’s a good place to start.

“An Idea Who’s Time Has Come”

And this is for you Anonymous, think where America would be if Buchanan had won. Actually if I had my way I would have saved America with a Buchanan/Nader ticket, with Pat restricted only to foreign policy and Nader restricted only to domestic policy. There’s an Amendment to the constitution, President with powers concerned only Foreign Policy and a Vice president with powers only concerned with domestic.

Fri Aug 18, 05:03:00 AM 2006  
Blogger Benedict S. said...

John (S): I take it you disagree with the CO's statement. Actually, I don't think he went far enough. He spoke only of the economic uses a terroristic regime might make of Iraq's wealth. I can think of others, like maybe actually developing those weapons of mass destruction, and using them. Of course, I doubt they would use nuclear weapons on places like Sweden, so maybe you have a point after all ... or at least, a point of view.

Welcome back. I've missed your incisive voice. Too bad I couldn't write something you would agree with.

Fri Aug 18, 05:25:00 AM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

JS, I think you have been blinded by your own venom. Your idea of America as "the Great Satan"responsible for all the world's sins is nothing new, but no matter how many times a lie is repeated it is still a lie. The fact is that although you believe you have your finger on the pulse of the American conciousness your statements prove that you haven't the foggiest of ideas as to what the "majority of Americans " believe. Now please don't give me this crap about how you used to be an American, obviously when you lived here you were either continually in a state of self-loathing or in a ferverent state of self righteous indignation. Despite what you want to believe ,most Americans are honest, and giving people( ref. Tsunami Relief and Katrina Relief efforts)who long for peace; despite our longing for peace, however, we are not going to roll over and play dead to make expatriates living in Sweden feel better about themselves.Your silly rant makes no sense and is obviously fueled by the fair and balance diet of information and opinion that you ingest over at your favorite websites.
As far as your question about Buchanan, I doubt very much if you would have been happy if he was elected president, or maybe you would have viewed his election as verification that America really is what you believe it to be. At any rate, I don't think his election would have caused our enemies to cancel 9-11 or calmed the tide of terrorism around the world.
As far as the mouse marching his grandson down to the recruitment office, I think that that would be the grandson's decision not the father's decision.Or don't you believe in freedom of choice?
Now let me ask you a question since you like ending your posts to me with questions: how would you feel if America is destroyed or toppled? WOuld you find some pleasure in seeing Americans suffer, or are you just operating on emotion without having really thought out your rantings?

Fri Aug 18, 12:05:00 PM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PS : Robin, bs, Miss Mobile- a divided America is exactly what those who want to destroy us have been working for. Certainly we don't need to agree on everything. but if we want to survive( and make no mistake about it we are fighting for our very survival) we had better find a way to work together for the good of our nation.
Rantings like those posted her by JS may make one feel good, but in the end they only serve to tear down the very core of our liberties. Remember, there is no dissent in the nations that house our very real enemy...

Fri Aug 18, 12:10:00 PM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey JS,where you been? One can and should blame this on Bush as well as all prior Presidents, but over all I feel Truman was the Frontman for all of this. This period is when America started involving itself manipulating Foreign Governments. This is what has really started to piss of the rest of the World. WWII Made America a great and respected country, (even though our migration into the Pacific Region started the War with Japan) In our eyes We were great, but we became full of ourselves as we had with Korea, Vietnam, Panama, South America Etc.
etc and blew it. Just like Bush had the World in his hands from 9/11, he
Blew it big-time with Iraq! The Saudi's and Pakistani's are our true
enemies! But we need OPEC and we're very afraid of India!

Those who choose to make this seem to be a "Religious War" are pretty much the same ones who would rather have you believe that Israel is a Jewish state and not a puppet for the US. (anyone wonder why America this great Nation is buying everything from small arms munitions for our troops and
many Hi-Tech Weapons from Israel and not Manufacturing these things

All the Money from American consumers, all the Monies from exporting of ones natural resources (gold, oil. etc), just never trickles down to the people.
Monies that should be used to enrich a country, to make the infrastructure stronger and better, gets stuffed in the pockets of a few and never see the light of day again.

Fri Aug 18, 01:56:00 PM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

About Pat Buchanan,I have observed that supporters of Mr. Buchanan seem less inclined to debate the issues their candidate supports and more
and radical. I also feel that his ideas are geared more toward winning
popular opinion than they are addressing and solving real problems. It's easy to go with the flow of popularity, but it's much, much harder to make tough decisions for the long term well being of the US. I have a fundamental and profound disagreement with his philosophies and proposed
manner of governance. I believe that US citizens should have as much
freedom as they can stand, they should be frequently engaged in public and private debate on important issues, and they should be strongly encouraged to participate at every level in the political process.

My specific concern with regards to Mr. Buchanan is that folks who embrace extreme and radical ideals frequently disregard the rights of others in the pursuit of them. Do I feel that Mr. Buchanan would espouse
legislation that would affect my right to an abortion (I'm personally
pro-life, so don't get me wrong), my right to say what I think and feel
even if it causes discomfort to others who don't believe as I do, my right to choose my own values and ideals based on what I believe is right for me...? Yes, I do. How does Mr. Buchanan stand on the internet censorship bill (I'm no lover of smut, but who decides when what I say crosses the line into smut, and who decides if I NEED to talk smut to get my message
across)? Mr. Buchanan has the right to believe as he does, and he has the right to convince as many people as he can that he's right, but I also have a right to believe and live as I choose as long as I don't hurt other people. That is the basis of democracy. My concern is that he would cross the line and try to start regulating the portion of my life that reflects values he doesn't agree with simply because he is blinded by his own
radical belief in the absolute "rightness" of his own. Even if he has the majority, does that make his morals/values "right?" Why? Almost everyone used to believe that women couldn't/shouldn't engage in political debate because their minds were inherently weaker than men's - do I share those values? Heck no!! In areas of values and judgement (which tend to be
based on life experiences), I like to err on the side of freedom.

That's why Buchanan didn't get elected.

Fri Aug 18, 02:24:00 PM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For what it's worth i think Bush is the worst president we have ever had.He makes one mistake after
anothe..Without othepeople telling him what to do he would have no clue.As far as benedict s grandson that is his decision not his grandfather's or his Dad's.he has the right to make that choice himself.

Fri Aug 18, 09:49:00 PM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, to thump so hard Mouse, but there are lives and a future at stake. I’ve heard these stay the course arguments before and have two dead friends on the “Wall of Shame” to shown for it. “He spoke only of the economic uses a terroristic regime might make of Iraq's wealth.” You mean all the Saudi money given to Al Queda wasn’t enough. “I can think of others, like maybe actually developing those weapons of mass destruction, and using them.” You mean those new usable low yield bunker-busting nukes to be used on Iran that are being developed by Cheney/Rumsfeld and company. What intrigues me mouse is how you can buy this Bushit, Your own CIA states that every day you stay in Iraq your create more and more terrorists. I believe this has become a calculated, self-fulfilling, neo-con prophecy, necessary, to complete the “Project for A New American Century”.

Here’s how many of the other 6.2 billion of us in the world including, China, Europe, Russia and India might re-write the CO’s statement. “Allowing america to complete its mission would be allowing a rogue superpower, intent on world domination, to control the world’s oil reserves and who would be willing use it to extract economic pain from those of us who believe in freedom."

On dealing with terrorist and the nuclear threat I’m going to defer to Buchanan again.
“Condi’s Middle East” If you don’t stop threatening the world and its people based on irrational fears and selfish limited economic gains there is definitely no hope for your survival as nation. 95% world’s population are not going to let the 5% living in america continue to consume 25–40 % of the world’s dwindling resources. That is a fact. Making peace with this fact and the world, is the true burden Americans must face up to. Mouse, maybe that is the real rock and hard place that america finds itself in.

John America, I was being a bit facious when I proposed the Bucahanan/Nader senario. If you notice I spefically seperated Buchanan from domestic policy and I did not give him the praise and respect I reserved for Ralph Nader I stated in a previous blog. He is in my opinion, I think you will agree, a bigoted religious conservative with some very odious views on certain aspects of life. That does no however preclude him from having some very clear and relevant views on certain issues. Anbody who can articulate my point of view on a particular subject better than I can, I will defer to them, no matter who they are. It is the quality of argument that counts and I think the colums I am refering to, shed some well reasoned light on the subject of america’s emerging non-place in the world. By the way, you make a good point about Truman as source point for a particular type of american interventionist manipulation of foriegn governments and police actions of containment.

Anonymous, “Facts talk, Bushit walks”. I pointed out to you once before, “Anonymous has always implied to me a person without observations, convictions or values worthy of a name. Talk is cheap.” Your contribution here proves my case. You have a real reading for comprehension deficit. I never said “mouse marching his grandson down to the recruitment office” or gave the implication that he should force him to join. I did say “took is newly graduated grandson down to the Marine recruiting office and encouraged him to join”. Hardly a denial of freedom of choice but certainly a challenge of mouse’s sincerity about who he will encourage to shoulder the burdens and blood sacrifice of staying the course that he is now demanding of americans. Where in any blog anywhere have I called, “America the Great Satan” or claimed it was “responsible for all the world’s sins”. I have however pointed out some very specific sins and individuals as examples. If you have some facts that prove your case that I have perpetrated a great lie, and specifically dispute what I have written, I think we would like to hear them.
“most Americans are honest, and giving people ( ref. Tsunami Relief and Katrina Relief efforts.)”. Big deal, 99% of the world’s population are honest, and giving people (ref. Tsunami Relief and Katrina Relief efforts.) Just to keep the facts straight on the basis of GNP American “pledged aid” for the tsunami was virtually last on the list of donors and in terms amount per/capita 14th amongst the nations of the world. Most of the final 350 million “pledged” was in the form of loans. Let us not forget that U.S. and other wealthy nations had to be embarrassed into increasing their shameful initial pledges. It terms of Katrina the whole world came to America’s Aid. Shamefully the American government refused to accept Cuban doctors, nurses and medical supplies that could have been there the next day. Indeed the government held up for several days a Swedish plane filled with aid for the suffering citizens of Katrina.

“who long for peace”. Really, you mean the 90% of the American population cheering on the troops during “Shock and Awe” and their glorious march to Baghdad and their killing of innocent men, women and children along the way, people who never attacked or shown a desire to attack America, were longing for peace. “Bushsit!”

As far as the American pulse I’ve never laid claim to knowing it and have always referred you to resident americans to support my observations, now I will turn you over to John America, Robin and ff for the pulse of american consciousness.

I would like to make one last observation for all of you “America” with a capital “A” is not place, it is not a government, but an ideal embodied the values and political concepts expressed in the “Declaration of Independence” and in the case of the Constitution “The Bill of Rights”. Adherence to and practicing those ideals makes a capital “A” American of anyone, any place in the world. So it matters not whether you as a collective people or a nation survive, the ideals exist in the hearts and minds of peoples all across the globe. Americans will survive with or without america.

Sat Aug 19, 12:14:00 AM 2006  
Blogger Benedict S. said...

John (S): There's a lot in what you say, but most of the good stuff merely makes the case: this is a terrible situation Bush has gotten us into. And I honestly don't see an easy way out.

But, a lesson here from an "older and (sometimes) wiser" man. You can make your case much more understandable if you try to avoid ad hominem attacks. The issue is hard enough to deal with without having to plow through emotional cobwebs. I betrayed that advice myself, you may have noticed, with that stealthy barb about Sweden being outside the target area. I honestly intended that as an example of the ad hominem with the hope that the example alone would teach the lesson without my having to make this escapade into didactic lecturing.

Sat Aug 19, 09:46:00 AM 2006  
Blogger Mary Lois said...

I have a hard enough time just taking the pulse of Fair Hope, John Sweden -- much less America, with or without a capital letter. It's hard for me to understand my people. There is too much hypocrisy in the world, too much posturing of political persuasions, too much anger and bushit for one to say that one philosophy predominates over another for any length of time.

I would say that I don't see progress, as others do, and that part of me is glad to be in my own Act 3 and regretful that my generation did so little to improve the world for its future. I hope there is enough time left for me to see this change, but I hardly have a fair hope that it will happen no matter how much I can do.

Sat Aug 19, 12:22:00 PM 2006  
Blogger Benedict S. said...

Miss FF: And aren't you just the slightest bit glad that de Vere wrote in five acts? And don't you have just a tiny little craving to see how the dramatist works out all these conflicted plot lines?

Sat Aug 19, 01:22:00 PM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hats off to Miss FF.Many Americans recognize that politicians often lie, that they loudly proclaim a dedication to the people while quietly serving powerful interests. But when it comes to U.S. foreign policy, many of us retreat
from that judgment. Suddenly we find it hard to believe that U.S.
leaders deceptively pursue repressive policies abroad, policies that have little to do with peace, democracy, and social justice.

Sat Aug 19, 05:05:00 PM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

JS: Now let me ask you a question (again)since you like ending your posts to me with questions: how would you feel if America is destroyed or toppled? Would you find some pleasure in seeing Americans suffer, or are you just operating on emotion without having really thought out your rantings?

Sat Aug 19, 08:16:00 PM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You Have the Right to Blog Anonymously. EFF has fought for your right to speak anonymously on the Internet, establishing legal protections in several states and federal jurisdictions, and developing technologies to help you protect you identity. With your support, EFF can continue to defend this right, conducting impact litigation to establish strict standards to unmask an anonymous critic in more jurisdictions.

Sat Aug 19, 08:22:00 PM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Legitimate question anonymous and I will give the serious attention it deserves. No, I do not want or would find pleasure in seeing Americans suffer and like 99% of the world's population I do not wish or find pleasure in anyone’s to suffering. After all, my son, my mother, my brother and his family and many dear personal friends that I have accumulated after almost 50 years of living in New York, all still live in america. So I am personally involved in and concerned about the fate of america and americans. The truly sad part of what I’ve been expressing here is that I have to repeat what I said 40 years ago, when I was working hard to end another of america’s war crimes and virtually, in mouse’s case, to the same people. So my sincere frustration may come across to you as “venomous” ranting. Be assured however that it comes from and represents a well-seasoned lifetime of experience and knowledge.

How would I feel to see america destroyed or toppled? I must admit I have mixed feelings on the subject. I have come to firmly believe that america is one of civilization’s greatest tragedies, a failed democracy, and the number one threat and obstacle to peace and stability in the world. If any of you have any proof to the contrary I would love to hear it. I would agree that the world, americans included, would pay a heavy price with its demise. On the other hand it would be foolish to allow any nation to continue on the course you have set for yourselves. I do not think it will be violent end as with the previous third Reich.

The world has already passed america by. Ask yourself, what do you really have to offer the world that justifies our continued support; Moral leadership? Endless involvement in self-serving un-winnable and unaffordable wars against your fears of terrorism, drugs etc…?, 19th century capitalism?, An unsustainable and un-transmittable lifestyle? Spin-oz-ing quoting presidential candidates? You are no longer capable producing anything except debt, and who holds that. So america will not so much be destroyed or toppled as made financially, politically and culturally irrelevant. The world will contain you and let you bleed yourself out in sands of the Middle East. When the money runs out, the world will take the temporary economic hit, call in its debts, you will all learn to speak Spanish or Canadian and that will be the end of it.

Civilization will move on and the chapter on American history will be closed with a poignant footnote that says, “It could have been a contender”. That’s my best-case scenario and I hope it answers your questions.

I do wish however that you would distinguish yourself as Anonymous A, so that we can distinguish you from the other Anonymous who posted the full frontal nudity ad on mouse’s site the other day.

Sun Aug 20, 01:32:00 AM 2006  
Blogger Benedict S. said...

John (S): This latest comment gets to the heart of the matter about as well as it could have been gotten to. You have broadened the question, put it into a context far more important than the current "trouble in the middle east." I think I'll write a blog about this today ... but will not publish it if the spirits do not move me to speak of this as meaningfully as you have. This could take all day.

Yeah. I deleted that spam ad, and would you believe it, didn't even take a peek. Gettin' old.

Sun Aug 20, 06:01:00 AM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for your honesty JS, mixed emotions allow for dialog. I hope that America can grasp the ideals it was founded on before we crash, I am sure the world will be a better place when that occurs.

Sun Aug 20, 09:24:00 PM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So do I.

Mon Aug 21, 02:33:00 AM 2006  

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